
New functionality added

The Group CCE website has been updated with various enhancements that are designed to provide greater peace of mind as well as greater convenience to both prospective and repeat clients.

Firstly, the hosting provider, DreamHost, has upgraded its servers (including the one hosting Group CCE’s website) to Ubuntu over the weekend. This brings a raft of performance improvements including better speed and enhanced security (check out to see our improved grade). While SSL only encrypts data in flight, Group CCE believes that secure websites are the way forward.

For the same reasons, HSTS has also been fully deployed; all HTTP connections will now silently upgrade to HTTPS. Similarly, the Duo multi-factor authentication system has been deployed; this will mitigate against the website being hacked and personally identifiable information from being obtained.

Secondly, the website will now redirect the two major browsers/OS combos that don”t support SNI to a subdomain that is purely HTTP. Clients using Internet Explorer on Windows XP and the default browser on Android 2.x will now view a page informing them of the redirection. The fallback site is not pretty, but all the content is there.

Thirdly, a new feature that makes hiring Group CCE’s experts a literal 1-minute affair has been launched. The Group CCE InstaJob system is quick, efficient and hassle-free. Optionally, clients may also use Secure InstaJobs, which are SSL-encrypted (this time, no need for SNI). The feature is currently hosted on the insecure subdomain of the website, but will soon be shifted over to the secure section as well.

Other planned additions to the website include the creation of a secure forum area for regular clients, enabling the use of SSL without SNI, as well as a portfolio of all Group CCE’s work. Various other improvements are in the pipeline. Stay tuned.